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Ammyy Admin Tech Support Remote Desktop Scam

If you receive any phone calls from persons claiming that they are technical support representatives calling from Microsoft or other companies stating that you have a virus on your computer and they can fix it, please disconnect the call. Many persons have reported receiving phone calls from persons with an Indian accent, telling that they have detected something wrong with or found a virus on their computers. The caller then stated than he/she is willing to fix the problem free of cost but, in order to do so, the victim must download the Ammyy Admin Remote Desktop Software. This software allows someone to connect and take control of a PC remotely.


Microsoft and other companies will not call and offer to fix your computer remotely. Allowing these people to take control of your computer is a very foolish idea. These people will search the files on your computer for your personal information and install malicious programs on your computer, which they will use to scam you. They may even use your computer to commit other cybercrimes, which will then be traced back to you.

Ammyy Admin Remote Desktop Software is legitimate and is used by a lot of people around the world to access their computers remotely. But, it is these so-called Technical Support Representatives who are misusing this product.

We contacted the makers of Ammyy Admin Remote Desktop Software and got the following response:

Dear users of Ammyy Admin

Unfortunately, there are some cases of malicious use of our software noticed. Please be attentive and never grant access to people you don’t know personally or whom you don’t trust.

!!! If you receive a phone call claiming to be from ‘Microsoft’ or someone claiming to work on their behalf, telling you that you have a virus on your computer or some errors which they will help you to fix via Ammyy Admin, it is definitely a scam.

Ammyy Admin itself absolutely safe software but due to its ease of use and free availability it may be used by scammers.

Kind regards
Ammyy Inc. Team

If you are a victim of these scammers, please click the following link for help:

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