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Phishing and Fraudulent Email Messages From My Contacts

I have been receiving e-mail messages from my e-mail contacts that have no subject and contain a link to a phishing website. This is another attempt by Phishers to trick you into clicking on the link in the e-mail message, because it appears as if it came from someone that you know. But remember, there is a technique called e-mail spoofing, where the sender can change the "from e-mail address", so the e-mail appears as if it came from someone else.


For example:

I can send an e-mail to my friends and change the "from e-mail address" to "". When they receive the e-mail, it will appear as if it was sent from the president at the whitehouse.

The e-mail messages that I have received contain the following phishing links (please do not go to the links):

Kerio Firewall blocks these links and will report them as phishing and fraudulent websites.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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