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SMS Text Message Subscription or SMS Legal Scam

Scammers and Fraudsters are getting smarter and smarter everyday. There is a new scam called "SMS Subscription", which is considered a legal scam, because it tricks you into a SMS subscription. After subscribing to this scam, you will be charged for every text message (SMS) that is sent to you. Now, at the end of the month, you may end up with a large phone bill.


How does this scam work?

The scammer or fraudster encourages you to enter your mobile number for the following reasons:

There are a lot more reasons, but the ones above are the most common. By entering your cell phone number, you are subscribing to their service and agreeing to their terms and conditions (which is misleading, may not be listed or appears in fine print).

Also, you maybe sent a text message (SMS), which if replied to, will automatically confirm that you have agreed to the terms and conditions. In the eyes of the law, this is not illegal, because the victim agreed to the terms and conditions. This is why this scam is also known as 'SMS Legal Scam'. You can unsubscribe to these services, but it will be too late because you will have to pay for the services already rendered.

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