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The website "" is Malicious

The malicious website "" contains a malicious computer program called "Fraud.BR Trojan." A Trojan is a malicious program that a hacker can use to spy on you or take control of your computer. Refrain from visiting the website because your computer can get infected by just visiting it.


The website ""

The website is also a phishing scam that lures its victims in by falsely claiming to sell the weight loss product "Raspberry Ultra Drops". If you order anything from the website, your credit card and personal information will be stolen.

An antivirus software blocking the malicious website

Links to these malicious websites are sent in e-mail messages, which curious persons will click on to see what the link is about. If you receive any suspicious emails with links, especially the ones without a subject and a link only, please delete the email.

For information about Phishing scam websites claiming to sell "Raspberry Ultra Drops", please click here.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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