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Facebook Hoax - Looks like I won't be going to work EVER!!! Share this photo and I will give a random person 1 million dollars!

Nolan Daniels, a Facebook user posted a photo of man or himself holding a fake Powerball winning lottery ticket, claiming that if you share the photo, you will stand a chance of winning one million dollars from his winnings. This is a resurrected hoax and is spreading on Facebook once 2012, approximately half million Facebook users shared this hoax in the hope of winning a million dollars as promised by the hoax.


Here is a copy of the Facebook hoax

Looks like I won't be going to work EVER!!! Share this photo and I will give a random person 1 million dollars! POWER BALL

This is a prank that Nolan Daniels played on his friends using his Facebook account, while Lottery officials were waiting for the winners of the Powerball lottery draw in November 2012. He did this to fool them into believing he was one of the winners.

This resurrected hoax has already being shared by 2,324 Facebook users.

To help stop the spread of this hoax, please do not share, "like", or comment on this hoax, if it is displayed on your Facebook wall / timeline.

Also, you may remove this hoax from your Facebook wall / timeline by clicking the "X" located at the top right of the post, while hovering over the post with your mouse.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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