Online Threat Alerts (OTA)
An anti-cybercrime community alerting the public. - a Fraudulent Movie Streaming Website

The movie streaming website has been reported by many persons on the internet as fraudulent. Many of the complaints are about unauthorized hidden charges of their credit cards, not able to watch the movies that were advertised, and the website only has very old movies.


The reason I started researching this website is because I was tricked into clicking on the following advertisement:

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*Updating takes less than one minute-upgrade now!

Clicking on the advertisement took me to the website

The advertisement had nothing with do with the upgrading of my Flash Player, but was a deceptive move by Cinechest to get me to visit their website.

Some of the Many Complaints made by Unsatisfied Customers of

Based on these complaints and personal experience with this website, I would not recommend signing up or registering for this service.

Here are some other movie streaming websites you should not trust, they look exactly like

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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