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"" is a Phishing Facebook Website

The website "," is a Facebook phishing website. The fake website will attempt to trick visitors into disclosing your Facebook user name and password, or trick them into installing a malicious Facebook application that will use their accounts to send itself or spam to all of their friends.


The Website ""

FB Stalkers? See who's looking at your profile
See them here

Google Chrome blocking the phishing website

Clicking on this Facebook post will take you to the following phishing website address:

Although, the left portion of the website address above says, it will not take you there. It will instead, take you to the phishing website Therefore, when you are looking at a web address, always start from the right side and move to the left. The right side of the website address starts with "" (exclude "fbc/").

Please do not click on, "like”, comment on, share or visit the website or post from any social networking website. Doing so, will only help spread this phishing website to others. If you have already entered your Facebook user name and password on this phishing website, please change your password now. Also, if you have installed a Facebook application from this website, click here for instructions on removing applications from your Facebook account.

Now, if the Facebook post shows up on your Wall or Timeline, use the Facebook "Report Story or Spam" button, to report it to the Facebook security team.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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