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Bank of Brazil Phishing Email Scam August 2013

The email message below: "We have detected suspicious activity on your account Update now", is a phishing scam and was not sent by the Bank of Brazil. Please do not click on the link in this email message to update your Bank of Brazil account, especially a link that takes you to a web page that asks you for personal information, credit card information or your Bank of Brazil username and password.


The Phishing Scam Email In English

We have detected suspicious activity on your account Update now.

Dear (a) Client:

Because the new law 12.288/artigo 908, Apartir date 12/11/2012 all holders Bank of Brazil will have to install the plugin "Guardian Security BB" and update the registration data of the "current account".

If our system does not detect the update in our database for security reasons your account will be locked immediately.

And you (a) will only be able to unlock your account by going to your agency and notify your manager. / update

WARNING: Avoid trouble and do the update properly and find out what the Bank of Brazil has prepared for you!

The Phishing Scam Email In Portuguese

Detectamos atividades suspeitas em sua conta Atualize já.‏

Prezado(a) Cliente:

Devido a nova lei 12.288/artigo 908, Apartir da data 12/11/2012 todos os correntistas Banco do Brasil terão que instalar o plugin "Guardião de segurança BB" e atualizar os dados cadastrais da "conta corrente".

Caso nosso sistema não detectar a atualização em nosso banco de dados, por medidas de segurança suaconta será bloqueada imediatamente.

E o senhor(a) só podera desbloquear sua conta indo até sua agênciae comunicar seu gerente.ção

ATENÇÃO: Evite transtornos e faça a atualização corretamentee descubra o que o Banco do Brasil preparou pra você!

If you receive this email message, please do not follow the instructions or click the link in it. The link in the email message appears to go to, but it will take you to a phishing or fake Bank of Brazil website.

If you were tricked into clicking the link within the email message and entered your information on a web page that the link took you to, please change your Bank of Brazil's password and contact them immediately.

Always go directly to the Bank of Brazil website at, to update your information and download any necessary software, instead of clicking on a link in an email message.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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