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Phishing Scam - 'Receipt for Your Payment to Skype Taken From PayPal'

The email messages below which claim that money was taken from your PayPal account for payment to Skype, is a phishing scam. The aim of the scammers behind this phishing email is to trick their victims into clicking on a link in this message, which will take them to a fake PayPal website. This fake website was designed to steal PayPal user names and passwords.


Samples of the Phishing Scam

Subject: Receipt for Your Payment to Skype!
You sent a payment of 45.65 GBP to Skype (sale

Merchant Skype sale

Instructions to merchant

You haven't entered any instructions.

Shipping address - Unconfirmed

United Kingdom
Postage details

The seller hasn’t provided any postage details yet.

Description Unit price Qty Amount

6 month subscription

45.65 GBP 1 45.65 GBP

Subtotal 45.65 GBP

Total 45.65 GBP

Payment 45.65 GBP

Payment sent to sale

If you haven't authorized this charge, open a dispute at:
*** (there was a link here) and get a full refund.

These fake emails trick the recipients by asking them to click a link in it to dispute the charges. But, clicking on the link in this email message will take them to a fake PayPal website, which will ask them to sign into your PayPal account. If they enter their PayPal user names and passwords on this fake website, it will be send to the scammers behind this email.

You may receive different email messages with different payment amounts.

With their PayPal usernames and passwords, these scammers will be able gain access to their PayPal accounts. With access to their accounts, they will be able steal their money by transferring it from their accounts to other accounts.

Never click on a link in an email message to sign into your PayPal account. Always go directly to, by entering or typing this website address into your web browser and pressing the "Enter" key.If you have already entering'

If you were tricked into entering your PayPal user name and password on this website, please change your PayPal password right now!

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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