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Is a Scam or Legitimate Referral Link Sharing Website?

The website is a scam. The website claims it is a leading online advertising company, and you can easily earn money by sharing referral links with your friends, family and other people through websites, blogs, forums, social media, Facebook wall, Facebook pages, groups, twitter, chat rooms and other media.


The website

The website cannot be trusted for the following 3 reasons:

  1. the website has no form of security to protect its users’ information. The Registration and Login pages, which have very sensitive information like username, password and email address are not protected by SSL. SSL is a form of webpage protection that websites that collect sensitive information should have. This SSL protection prevents someone from viewing sensitive information while it is being transmitted over the internet by encrypting it. A secure website starts with https:// instead of http:// in the website address bar.

    Here is an example:
    When you go to the registration page, the website address should look like this:

    But, if you go to the website address above, the page doesn't load and this is because it is not protected.

  2. I have received hundreds of complaints about the website from persons all over the world claiming that they are not able to cash-out after reaching the minimum payout amount.

    Here are some of the complaints we have received:

    • "I went to this paid per click marketing site, assuming it was a scam but I bought into it thinking at the worst it simply wouldn't pay out. Not only have I not been able to withdraw the $76 I've earned from the 144 clicks I've gotten"
    • "Sir I joined the site and I earn up 100$. I am trying to complete survey, but I could not succeeded sir I requested to u please tell me how I m complete this survey and withdraw 40$."
    • "It is an online cheating money earning website. So many people are getting cheated by this website by copy and pasting those links"
    • "I have 478 visits and completed 2 surveys. $80 should have been paid to my PayPal account on 2014/01/01. I did not receive any payment.'
    • "I joined this site and did everything as it says to do. I reached the minimum $40 payout and I am not able to access it. I have contacted the company, but have gotten no response thus far."
    • "Not paying out the cash amount to me which is $42 I've earned right after traffic was brought to the site by me which is $0.50 per unique."
  3. the website is registered for one year, which is the minimum registration period for a domain name or website name.

    Domain Name:
    Creation Date: 2013-05-27
    Expiration Date: 2014-05-27

    Scammers usually register their website or domain names for this minimum period, because they know that their fraudulent websites will be discovered and closed down soon

So, do not be fooled by the website, which is also located at earntovisit. Remember, there are thousands of similar websites that trick people into believing that they can make easy money online by just sharing referral links.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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