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"CNN ‘Exclusive’ Ebola Virus Found in Hair Extensions in the US"

The hoax: "CNN 'Exclusive’ about Ebola in hair extensions," has been circulating on social media like wildfire. The hoax claims that the Ebola virus was found in hair extensions or weaves within hair packages shipped to the United States. Such rumors were boosted by a purported photoshopped picture of CNN news anchors Anderson Cooper and a journalist sharing the story.


The Hoax: "CNN ‘Exclusive’ about Ebola in Hair Extensions"

So according to CNN Ebola is allegedly being found in "hair extensions"...yup. I've officially heard it all smh. Ebola has been found in numerous packages of hair extensions in the U.S.

So according to CNN Ebola is allegedly being found in “hair extensions”…yup. I’ve officially heard it all smh

You’d think that if President Obama could find the time to record video messages on Ebola safety for the people of West Africa, he could find a chance to warn American citizens about the latest state-side Ebola threat: the presence of the Ebola virus in packages of hair extensions.

This news was made up in the hope of driving fear into people. Neither CNN nor any other news outlet reported on an instance of Ebola turning up in packages of hair extensions.

This picture was taken and altered from an interview that was done by anchorman Anderson Cooper discussing whether Thomas Eric Duncan, who was diagnosed with the Ebola virus that is ravaging West Africa, was aware that he had been exposed before boarding the airplane that brought him to the U.S. from Liberia.

The Original Picture that was Altered or Photoshopped

Most commercially sold hair weave comes from Asia and India, not Africa. At this moment India and Asia are not experiencing any signs of the virus.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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