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Facebook Scam - "I Brittany Maynard Decided to End my Life on Nov 1st"

The social networking post: "I Brittany Maynard decided to end my life on Nov 1st," is a scam. The post was created to lure potential victims to the fake and malicious website:, in an attempt to trick them into sharing or commenting on the post, by claiming that they can help prevent Brittany Maynard from ending her life.


But, the scam has nothing to do with preventing Brittany Maynard from ending her life. Brittany Maynard is a 29-year-old female (see her in the picture with her dog below) who made national headlines in October, after choosing to end her own life instead of suffering from terminal brain cancer.

The Facebook Scam

I Brittany Maynard decided to end my life on Nov 1st

Save Brittany Maynard to die with dignity

Complete the steps to support her so that she can live
Please Comment Below If you are supporting me with my decesion?

The scammers or cyber-criminals behind this scam, aim is to trick as many people as possible into sharing or commenting on the post, which will make it and the malicious website very popular.

Once popular the cyber-criminals who have created the malicious website may then trick their potential victims into downloading malicious computer programs and/or steal their credentials by tricking them into entering their usernames and passwords on fake websites.

When information in the scam above is posted on social networking websites or elsewhere, please do your research first, by checking the authenticity or legitimacy of the information posted.

For information about Brittany Maynard, please visit the legitimate website at

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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