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Parents Educate Yourself about the Text Message Slangs and Acronyms Used by your Children

A lot of parents check their children's text messages to monitor the conversations that they are having. This is a good thing especially in times like these when there are so much paedophiles online who are using technology to easily locate potential victims. But, most parents are not able to understand, translate, or clueless to the slangs and acronyms used in text messages that their children use to communicate online or on their cellphones.


So, we have compiled a list of frequently used slangs and acronyms and their meanings below, to help parents interpret the slangs or acronyms used in text messages.

Parents, if a slang or acronym is not listed below, please use the following text message slang and acronym translation website to get the meaning:

Text Message Slangs and Acronyms and Their Meaning

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