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Spam Email Message - Private message from Google

The email message below: "Private message from Google", is a fake and was not sent by Google. The email message is a trick to lure the recipients to spam websites and encourage them to purchase bogus or non-genuine pharmaceutical products, which is dangerous and may also lead to identity theft and the victims’ credit card information being stolen, because of a lot of these websites are created by scammers.


The Fake Google Email Message - Private message from Google

From: AutoGoogle
Subject: Brett. Private message from Google

Private message.

View message


The Google Support.

This message was sent to removed; Don't want occasional updates about Google activity and friend suggestions? Change what message Google sends you. Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA

We do not recommend clicking the link in the email message and ordering anything from the websites that you will be taken to. But, if you have already done so, please check your credit card statement carefully and dispute any unknown charges with your bank.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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