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Emergency Notification of MH370 - MAS Overboard Movie Virus Message Hoax

The virus warning message below: "Emergency Notification of MH370," is a hoax or a fake. There is no report of a virus called ‘MAS overboard movie', and Microsoft, which the hoax claims reported the virus, has not posted anything on their website about this new virus.


The Virus Warning Message - Emergency Notification of MH370

Emergency Notification of MH370

Emergency notification. Please tell friends and family:

(1) Do not open the video of the Malaysia Airlines that had crashed in the Indian Ocean.

"MAS overboard movie," has been spread online.

Do not open that and delete it as soon as possible because it is a virus!

2. if you receive an e-mail/letter named "??????"

Do not open this letter, it will delete everything on your hard drive.

This is a very new and dangerous virus that not many people know. It was announced by "Microsoft" yesterday morning.

If you receive letters/emails called "??-??? or ???-??"

And there are additional files, about a few hundred K size, please do not open because there's a virus !!!

Please forward this message to your friends so that other people won't get the virus.

Once you open the email that has the virus, the email will automatically be forwarded to your friends.

After reading this, forward it as fast as possible !!!

This message is spreading on social networking websites and being sent via text message like wildfire. The message claims that persons should not open the video 'MAS overboard movie', because it is a virus that will delete everything on your computer's hard drive.

But, this message is a hoax.  None of the popular antivirus software makers has reported anything on the virus the message claims exist.

Please remember that not everything that you read on the internet is true. That is why it is important to check with reputable or popular news websites, before sharing, commenting on, and “liking” news posts on social networking websites.

If you have already shared this hoax, please remove it. This will help stop it from spreading to other social networking users.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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