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Wal-Mart Phishing Scam - Your Walmart Voucher

The email message below: "Your Walmart Voucher," which claims that Wal-Mart Reward Server has discovered that the recipient's email address has 500 dollars’ worth of unclaimed vouchers, is another attempt by cyber-criminals to steal your personal, credit card and other sensitive information, which may lead to identity theft. The email message was not sent by Wal-Mart.


The Phishing or Fake Wal-Mart Voucher Email Scam

Subject: Your Walmart Voucher

Dear Customer,

Our Walmart reward server has identified this email to have 500 dollars worth of unclaimed walmart vouchers.

It has been difficult to send this vouchers to you because you have not confirmed your records correctly on our server.

Please,carefully follow the link below and fill in all fields correctly to have your vouchers posted to your mailbox.

Click here to claim your voucher

Thank you for chosing Walmart.

Tesco Personal Finance
Tesco Personal Finance Rewards Department

This phishing email will take you to a bogus form, which will ask you to enter your personal and other sensitive information. Once you have entered your information on the form, it will be sent to the scammers behind this phishing scam.

With your information, these scammers will further attempt to trick you into sending money, and will be more convincing because they have your information.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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