Online Threat Alerts (OTA)
An anti-cybercrime community alerting the public.

Facebook Account Disabled - Security System Detects Suspicious Activity

The email message or Facebook post below: "Our security system detects suspicious activity on your account that violates the Terms of Service," is a scam. This scam was designed to steal your Facebook user name and password, so the cyber-criminals behind it can hijack your account and use it for malicious purposes.


The Malicious Email Message or Facebook Post

Your Facebook Account Disabled

Our security system detects suspicious activity on your account that violates the Terms of Service (TOS) for making posts that contain pornography, contempt, hatred, threaten, incite, violence, violations of copyrights or contains nudity.

Please confirm your Facebook account immediately if you feel there has been a mistake. If you do not confirm, our system will automatically disable your Facebook account.

Please confirm your facebook account on the following link: /confirmsroom/

Thanks for being part of Facebook Community.

Facebook Security Team
Copyright 2014

Clicking on the link in the malicious email message or post, will take you to a malicious Facebook app below: /confirmsroom/

The app will display a fake Facebook sign-in page, which will ask you to log into your Facebook account in order to confirm. But, this is no confirmation and any information (email, phone, password) entered on the page, will be sent to the cyber-criminals.

Once these cybercriminals have your Facebook user name and password, they will use it to hijack your account and use it to send the same or other scams to your Facebook friends.

If you were tricked by the malicious email, post or app, or think you were, please follow the instructions below:

Check the comment section for additional information, or share what you know or ask a question about this article, by clicking the 'View or Write Comment' button below.

Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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