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Facebook Scam - "10 Hottest Leaked Snapchats Ever"

If the post below: "10 Hottest Leaked snapchats Ever," shows up on your Facebook Wall, Timeline or News feed, please do not click on it. This is because it is a scam created by cyber-criminals to trick curious Facebook users into clicking on it, by using a picture of a young lady exposing her breast. Clicking the post will only take Facebook users to fraudulent websites, which will ask them to take part in surveys, redirect them to spammy websites, or take them to other fake websites. They will not see leaked Snapchats photos that they were promised, because the photos do not exists.


The Facebook Scam

10 Hottest Leaked snapchats Ever

Click To See Breath-Taking Photos

The scam above is promoted on the following websites:

The scam also goes by the following titles:

The best way to lure potential victims to fraudulent websites is to include a half naked photo of a woman in a post or email message.

Be careful online, especially on social networking websites. Remember that there are cyber-crooks and scammers that are desperately seeking new ways of ripping off their victims. Always research something before commenting on, liking, sharing or taking part in it.

Remember to always check with reputatable news sources to check the authenticity of something that is posted on social networking websites or the rest of the internet. Avoid completing Facebook surveys, sharing or "liking" websites to view a photo, watch a video or win some form of prizes.

Check the comment section for additional information, or share what you know or ask a question about this article, by clicking the 'View or Write Comment' button below.

Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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