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Telephone Scam Calls from 347-779-0198

Scammers are calling people from telephone number 347-779-0198, threatening them that they will be arrested shortly or there are lawsuits against them. The callers claim that they are lawyers or police officers from the state attorney general’s office, New York Police department or the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).


A lot of people claim that they have received threatening voicemails from telephone number 347-779-0198, which the callers claim is associated with attorney Sam Wilson or Eric Schneiderma from the state attorney general's office. But Eric Schneiderma said that the state attorney general’s office does not solicit personal information over the phone.

If you have received a call from 347-779-0198 or any other phone numbers claiming that you are being sued by the IRS or the attorney general's office, it is a scam.

The IRS will never call anyone and ask them to make payments. The IRS will send notices by postal mail and give tax payers enough time to respond and dispute claims.

Always call the IRS at 1-800-829-1040 to verify any IRS phone calls, emails or other messages that you have received. For other offices, look up the name in the phone directory and call the listed number, instead of the number in the message.

Please report any suspicious phone calls to the police or your service provider.

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