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Video Scam - "T'rryfying! This Girl Woke Up Like this and She Didn't Know What to Do"

The fake video sharing website and post below: "T'rryfying!!! This Girl Woke Up Like this and She Didn't Know What to Do," are considered malicious. The website will attempt to trick you into giving it access to your Facebook account and take you to malicious advertisements that will attempt to trick you into installing malicious software on your computer. If you are taken to the website below or similar ones, please do not give it access to your Facebook account and do not install any software that you are prompt to download.


The Fake Facebook Post and Video Sharing Website

T'rryfying!!! This girl woke up like this and She didn't know what to do so she ask his friends to get rid of it. - Xian Tv
Xians Tv

If you click on the Facebook post, you will be asked to give their fraudulent Facebook application (Xians Tv) access to your account. The application will send this same scam to all of your Facebook friends and access your publicly available Facebook information, if you give them access to your Facebook account.

You will then be redirected tothe fake video sharing website:

The website doesn't have all of the strange videos depicted by the images and will only prompt you to allow the Facebook applications access to your account.

All of the videos are taken from popular video sharing website, so it is recommended that you search it for the videos instead of visiting the fake video sharing website.

If you have already given the application access to your Facebook account, please click here for instructions on how to easily remove them from your Facebook account.

The name of the application that you should look out for and remove is:

If there are applications listed in your Facebook account that you are not familiar with, please delete them also. If you have already "liked" the websites, please "unlike" them or delete any shared Facebook post you have created.

This is related to the following:

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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