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Facebook Scam - "We Have Got 2000 Pieces of PS4 that Can’t Be Sold"

The Facebook post below: "We have got 2000 pieces of PS4 that can’t be sold because they have been unsealed," is a Facebook scam created by cyber-criminals. Cyber-criminals are creating fake Facebook PlayStation 4 Giveaway pages to trick their potential victims into "liking", sharing or commenting on them. They do this by promising Facebook users a chance to receive one of the gaming consoles.


The Sony PlayStation 4 Giveaway Facebook Scam

Play Station 5

We have got 2000 pieces of PS4 that can’t be sold because they have been unsealed. Therefore we are giving them away for free. Want one of them? Just SHARE this photo & LIKE Our Page and we will choose 2000 people completely at random on November 30

400 winners selected still 1600 remaining SHARE! COMMENT(done) and you could be the next on

The scam is located on Facebook at the following address:

Do not fall for those Facebook promotions, which come out every time there is a special event. Please remember that anyone can create a Facebook page and use it in some fraudulent way.

If you see these promotions on Facebook, please research them before "liking", commenting or sharing them. When you like, comment or share these fake promotions, you are only allowing the scammers behind these promotions to harvest your publicly available information like your full name, photo and address, which they (scammers) can sell to other scammers, marketers or use it to scam you. Also, doing so, will spread this scam to your Facebook friends.

With your information in the hands of these cybercriminals, you put yourself at risk of losing your identity or being scammed. So please, watch out for these fake Facebook promotions and giveaways.

And, if you have already liked, commented on, or shared the Facebook scam, please unlike and unshare it. Click here for instructions on how to remove things you have already posted on Facebook.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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