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"We Need Facebook Ad Accounts" Craigslist Advertisement Scam

Scammers are using Craigslist, a local classified advertisement website, to lure potentials victims into their traps, by posting advertisements on it asking potential victims for access to their Facebook accounts for a fee. The potential victims who fall for the scam and give the scammers access to their Facebook accounts, will regret it, because the scammers will use the accounts fraudulently. Facebook accounts that are used fraudulently will be terminated or suspended by Facebook, and the illegal activities that the scammers use the accounts for, will be traced back to the owners of the accounts, who may end up in jail and may pay thousands of dollars in legal fees to clear their names.


How the Scam Works?

The scammers will use the Facebook advertisement accounts to advertise their scams to millions of Facebook users, using stolen credit cards or hijacked PayPal accounts to make payment.using Facebook advertisement is the most effective way for scammers to reach their potential victims.

Scammers may also use their victims’ Facebook accounts to send spam and dangerous links to their friends, which go to malicious and phishing websites. And, once the friends see a post or message coming from their friend, they will instantly think the message is legitimate and click on the malicious or phishing links, which will take them to dangerous websites that contain malware. Once on the dangerous website, the potential victims maybe tricked into downloading fake and malicious software that will infect their computers/devices with viruses or Trojan horse. The potential victims may also be taken to phishing websites, where they maybe tricked into submitting their personal information, financial information, or sending money to the scammers.

It is important for Facebook users to remember that they should never lend their Facebook accounts anyone, whether for a fee or not, or give someone access to it. Also, Facebook user should not give their Facebook username and password to anyone, and Facebook users who have done so already, should change their passwords immediately.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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