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Can the Website by Michael Hill Be Trusted?

The website by Michael Hill, which claims that you can discover the method to generate an extra $2,400 a day, should not be trusted. We do not trust the website because the VeriSign, TRUSTe and McAfee security seals on the website are fakes. So, please do not follow the instructions, enter your personal or credit card information on the website.


The website did not subscribe to the Norton VeriSign Trusted Seal services, McAfee, TRUSTe and is only trying to fool or trick consumers / visitors by placing a fake trustmark / seal on their website in order to give the appearance of "Trust" and "Security". This practice is called "Scraping." Also, we were unable to find "Fashion Method" on the Better Business Bureau' s website located at, although the website has their Trusted logo or seal on it.

The Website

Discover the Method to Generate AN EXTRA $2,400 A DAY

"I used to work every day for a living. These days, I finally make between $20,000 to $50,000 as an independent man, from my own home and in my own hours. And today, I am going to show you how you can do it too."

by Michael Hill

The Fake Verisign and other Trusted Seals

Major security and trust seals icons commonly used by:, McAfee, Thawte, TRUSTe, Trustwave, UpFront, VeriSign/Norton, and others, all have URLs or website addresses that are linked to those icons. So, when you click the icon, the relevant website certificate or verification page should appear with information about the website. But, on the website, nothing happens when you click on the icons, because they are images created to trick visitors to the website.

Also, the website has a Facebook page located at: MichaelHillFasionMethod

Although the website has a secure connection or SSL, it should still not be trusted.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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