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Scam Calls From Telephone Number 1-800-843-0000

If someone calls you from: 1-800-843-0000, claiming to be from Microsoft Technical Support or some other company's Technical Support team, to help you fix your computer, mobile or other devices, please terminate the call. This is a scam used by cyber-criminals to trick their victims into installing malicious software on their computers, which the cyber-criminals will use to remotely access their computers from anywhere in the world.


Many persons have reported receiving phone calls from people with an Indian accent, claiming that they are calling from Windows Helpdesk, Windows Service Center, Microsoft Tech Support, Microsoft Support, Windows Technical Department Support Group or some other company's technical support team. The callers claim that they have detected something wrong with or found a virus on the potential victims’ computers and they are willing to fix the problem free of cost, but in order to do so, the potential victims must download some software.

Microsoft and other legitimate companies will not call and offer to fix your computer remotely. And, allowing these people to take control of your computer is a very foolish idea. These people will search the files on your computer for your personal and financial information. They will install malicious programs on your computer, which they will use to spy on you. They may even use your computer to commit other cyber-crimes, which will then be traced back to you.

Now, if you were tricked into allowing these cyber-criminals into installing software on or access your computer remotely, please have a tech-savvy family member, friend or a local trusted computer technician look at your computer and remove any malicious software that was installed on it.

Also, change your computer's password, email accounts, online banking, and all other passwords immediately. And most importantly, do a full scan of your computer with the antivirus software installed on it.

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