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Scam Calls From Telephone Number 1-877-979-3920

Please beware of fake or phishing phone calls from telephone number: 1-877-979-3920, where the callers claim to be from their potential victims' banks, and claim a hold or lock has been placed on their accounts, credit or debit cards. The callers will then claim that they need to verify their potential victims' personal and financial information in order to remove the locks from the frozen accounts.


But, banks will never call their customers and ask them to verify their personal and financial information, especially their credit/debit card information, expiration date or PIN over the phone,via text or email messages.

Please note that the callers maybe humans or automated machines, and may also claim that they are calling from other organizations.

The scammers may call from other telephone numbers, or may send text messages (SMS) or email messages requesting the same information. But, it doesn't matter where the request for information came from, banking customers are warned never to send or disclose their information, because doing so will allow scammers to steal their identities and money.

If you have received a suspicious banking call and want to know if the call is a scam or not, please terminate the call, lookup your bank's telephone number, call them directly and ask them to verify the caller's claim.

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