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the 40 Apple iPhone 6 Giveaway Facebook Like-Farming Scam

Scammers have created another Facebook page that they have called "Apple iPhone," which they are using to trick Facebook users into commenting on, "liking" or sharing, by claiming that Facebook users can get a chance to win a free IPhone 6, if they do so. But, it is just another like-farming, data mining or information-mining scam that is used by scammers to collect Facebook users' publicly available information for scammers and spammers.


The Facebook iPhone 6 Like-Farming Scam

Apple iPhone

Finally we are having 40k fans so we will be gifting 40 iPhone 6 to you all by lucky draw . The steps you need to follow for chance to win are

1) like this picture
2) comment the the colour you want
3) share this picture on your wall
2 lucky winners will be announced every week smile emoticon best of luck like emoticon

This page is located at the following address:

And, commenting on, liking or sharing the post or Facebook page WILL NOT give you a chance to win an IPhone 6.

Scammers have created hundreds of these scams to trick Facebook users into 'liking', sharing or commenting on a Facebook page or post, which will help make the page popular. Once the page is popular, these scammers will sell it to online marketers, other scammers or cybercriminals, who may send spam all the persons who have "liked", shared or commented on the Facebook page or post.

Also, they may ask you to complete surveys, but it doesn't matter how much surveys you complete, you will never receive an IPhone 6. The scammers, on the other hand, will get paid for each competed survey.

Beware of Facebook pages or posts that ask you to share, like or comment on them, in order to receive some form of prize, offer or gift.

If you have already shared, “liked” or commented on this scam, please click here for instructions on how to remove these Facebook actions. This will help stop this scam from spreading to other Facebook users.

The scam is similar to the following:

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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