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MMM BTC - it is another Mavrodi Mondial Moneybox Ponzi or Pyramid Scheme

Mr. Sergey Mavrodi has created another branch of his MMM Ponzi or pyramid scheme, which he calls MMM BTC, located at He claims MMMBTC is an international community of Mavrodians looking for a reliable, stable system with promising future, and their main goal is to unite global leadership to erect an ideal system that can fulfill this mass requirement. But, do not be fooled. All of Mr. Sergey Mavrodi Ponzi or pyramid schemes before have failed, causing millions of people to lose their hard-earned money.


Mr. Sergey Mavrodi's MMMBTC Website at

Mr. Sergey Mavrodi will continue to create other branches of his fraudulent scheme to deceive people of their hard earned-money. He may create or have already created the following branches:

Click here to learn more about Mavrodi Mondial Moneybox (MMM) Ponzi or pyramid schemes

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