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Scam Calls from Telephone Number - 1-855-764-8940

Scammers are calling people from telephone number: 1-855-764-8940, using automated phone system or interactive voice system in an attempt to scam them. The scammers call their potential victims and attempt to trick them into sending money via prepaid debit cards or money transfer services like Western Union and MoneyGram by threatening lawsuits, arrest, delivering of summons and federal prosecution. They also use the same automated system to trick their potential victims into entering or submitting their personal and very sensitive information over the phone, or leave voice messages requesting a call back.


If you have received fraudulent telephone calls, please report them to your service provider. And, if you were tricked into entering your credit card information over the telephone, please report it to your bank. And, never give out your credit card information to someone that calls you, regardless of what they claim that they need it for.

Here are some complaints that we have received from people who have received calls from 1-855-764-8940:

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