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Do Not Call 61428745183 - it is Being Used by Scammers

The telephone number 61428745183 is currently being used by scammers to send fake text messages to their potential victims. The fake messages, which appear as if they were sent by legitimate organizations, ask potential victims to send their correct emails by claiming the ones on file or incorrect. Therefore, recipients of text messages from 61428745183 are advised to report the same text messages their cell phone providers and not follow the instructions in them.


Sample a Fake Text Message From 61428745183

"We have an incorrect email address listed on your account. Please advise of correct email address by replying to this SMS. - Australia Post."

Email addresses collected will be used by the same scammers, or sold to other scammers, who will contact the owners of the email addresses and attempt to scam them.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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