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Do Not Call 1-866-243-4612 - it is Being Used by the USAGC Fake Green Card Lottery

Today I was scammed by the green card lottery at I went to the bank after the money was withdrawn. I had to get a new credit card and change my stuff around. I realized something was wrong when the guy would not send me a receipt for the money and I tried calling the number he gave me and I got no answer. I feel so sick to my stomach that I fell for the scam. But, I really thought it was for real.


The Fraudulent Website -

The customer service representative called me at 1-866-243-4612 and the name he gave me is Alex Peterson@, and the application number he gave me is: 558905025. So he got $1,485.95 and he said he will call me back in 2 weeks for the rest, which is the same amount he wanted today, but I didn't have that much now. I was going to cancel but he talked me out of it saying that this was a lifetime entry for the draw and to make my once in a lifetime dream come true.

So, i have no idea if this information helps or not but i do not want to see someone else scammed out of money.

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