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Do Not Install AdvancePCTools, AdvPCTools or Advance System Care

The website or, which claims its program, called AdvPCTools or Advance System Care, will clean, optimize and speed up your PC, contains Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs). Potentially Unwanted Programs are applications that contain adwares, toolbars or web browser hijackers and other malware. These programs tend to be difficult to remove after they have been installed on your computer. And, will continuously display annoying unwanted pop-up advertisements, and take you to phishing or malicious websites that will steal your personal or financial information, or infect your computer with viruses, spyware, ransomware and other malware.


The Website - or

The owners of the bogus software use the following fake message to trick online users into installing the fake software, by tricking them into believing that their computers or mobile devices are infected with a virus:

Your system is heavily damaged by (4) virus!

Home Update History Settings

Windows Defender have detected that your Windows 10.0 is 28.1% DAMAGED because of (4) harmful viruses

If you do not remove the virus now, it will cause permanent damage to your system, corrupt your photos, data, applications, etc.

Here's what you NEED to do (step by step):

Step 1: Install Microsoft Advance System Care

Step 2: Activate the full paid version using Microsoft Store

Step 3: Remove the viruses

Time till critical system failure: 6 minutes and 1 seconds

Real time protection: Off

Virus and spyware definitions: Out of date


If you have already installed AdvancePCTools, click here to use AdwCleaner to remove the Potentially Unwanted Programs that were installed.. AdwCleaner is a very small program and doesn't require any installation.

We do not recommend installing the AdvancePCTools, AdvPCTools or Advance System Care.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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