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"The Weekly Deal" Facebook Page - it is a Scam

The Facebook page that calls itself "The Weekly Deal" (see below), which claims that Facebook users can like their page or comment the word "Win" to get updates on weekly deals, free stuffs and more, is a like-farming scam. The scam gathers up thousands of likes, comments or shares to promote unwanted products or trick Facebook users into disclosing their personal information on fraudulent survey websites. And, the prizes offered do not exist and those who participate have no chance whatsoever of winning anything at all.


The Fraudulent "The Weekly Deal" Facebook Page

Located at: The-Weekly-Deal-231829447270736/

The fraudulent page tricks Facebook users into spamming their friends with fake prize offers, and then trick them into supplying their personal information on survey scamming websites. Personal information supplied on the survey scamming websites will be shared with unscrupulous or rogue marketing companies who will subsequently flood Facebook users with unwanted phone calls, emails, text messages, and surface letters. The scammers who operate the "The Weekly Deal" Facebook page earn commission when people supply their personal details on the survey websites.

Now, Facebook users who have already liked, commented on, or shared the fraudulent "The Weekly Deal" Facebook page, may attempt to opt-out by "unliking", "unsharing" or removing their comments from the page; they may click here for instructions.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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