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Reimage or ReimagePlus at Adware

Reimage or ReimagePlus is bundled with Potentially Unwanted Programs(PUPs). Potentially Unwanted Programs are applications like adwares, toolbars or web browser hijackers. These programs tend to be difficult to remove after they have been installed on your computer. Please see instructions below for removing the Potentially Unwanted Programs installed by Reimage or ReimagePlus.


Reimage or ReimagePlus Website

Reimage or ReimagePlus comes bundled with Potentially Unwanted Programs(PUPs). The creators of many free software bundled these unwanted programs with their software, in order to make money.

When installing any free software, select the "Custom Installation", instead of the "Typical Installation". "Typical Installation" is the default and the recommended option selected by the creator of the free software. Selecting "Custom Installation" will give you the option of installing or not installing these unwanted bundled programs. The problem that you encounter is not caused by the Reimage or ReimagePlus software, but by the unwanted programs that it installed on your computer.

How to Remove The Unwanted Programs from Your Computer Installed by the Reimage or ReimagePlus

Please download and use the following program to remove the unwanted software that Reimage or ReimagePlus installed on your computer:

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