Online Threat Alerts (OTA)
An anti-cybercrime community alerting the public.

Scam Calls From 907-312-7528 and 907-268-3185

Scammers are using the following Alaska telephone numbers: 907-312-7528 and 907-268-3185, to contact potential victims. Recipients of telephone calls from any of the same telephone numbers, where the callers request money, personal or financial information, should terminate the calls, and should not follow the callers’ instructions.


The scammers are pretending to be employees of employment agencies claiming to call to help you find a job or provide one for you. They will also pretend to be military personnels looking for love (Romance Scam), and may also pretend to be law enforcement officers or debt collectors and threaten arrest.

Recipients of phone calls from telephone numbers: 907-312-7528 and 907-268-3185, can help by providing us with any information they know, by leaving a comment below.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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