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Robert Dexter and Associates Attorney Allegation Email Scam

The email below, from an unknown sender, was sent to my wife yesterday. There was a PDF attachment and when I tried to open it my security system alerted me that it was trying to send me to an untrustworthy site, so I blocked it. What we did find out is that "" is a non-existent website, there is no certified lawyer in Ontario named Robert Dexter and Canada does not use "attorney," it uses "lawyer."


The Fraudulent Email Message

Dear J__ H____,

I and am writing you about an accusation against you . You are required to respond to the attached accusation within 10 days after this notice is served on you.

Failure to file an answer denying the allegations will result in a judgment against you, and action may be taken by the plaintiff or his/her attorney to satisfy the judgment.


Robert Dexter

Attorney for Plaintiff

Robert Dexter & Associates.

4 Carlton Sreet, Suit 1400

Toronto, Ontairo M5B 1J3,


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