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"WhatsApp Voice Message Trojan Virus" is a Fake, Prank or Chain Letter

The message below which claims that a huge security breach in WhatsApp has caused hackers to send a malicious voice message disguised as a Trojan virus to WhatsApp users is a fake, hoax or chain letter. The fake message was created to frighten WhatsApp users in sharing it by claiming that if the so-called malicious voice message is opened, it will corrupt their devices or steal their information. Therefore, recipients of the fake message or hoax are asked to delete it and should not share it.


The "WhatsApp Voice Message Trojan Virus" Prank or Chain Letter

Huge security breach on whatsapp if you receive a voice message on whatsapp saying you have a missed voice message with a time stamp on it please don't open it, it's a trojan virus that will corrupt your device and steal your personal info if you do online banking and other stuff on your device. Just delete the voice message!!

please forward this message to all your groups.

It is not surprising that pranksters or mischievous online users would start this prank or chain letter just a few hours after WhatsApp went down for approximately an hour. They know people will be quick into believing their prank because people would think that the Whatsapp outage was due to the so-called virus or Trojan horse.

Whatsapp only allows audio, video and images files to be shared on their platform, therefore, it is also impossible to send a malicious app disguised as a voice message. But, it is possible that a cybercriminal may post a link to a malicious app and trick mobile users into clicking on the link, downloading a malicious app and installing it. This is why it is important that mobile users not install apps outside of the Google Play Store, Apple App Store or Windows App Store.

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