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The "Department of Labour: Jamaica" Scam

The website,, is a fake operated by online scammers. The fake website sends out fake WhatsApp and other social media messages to their potential victims asking them to take surveys in order to receive some form of reward.


The "Department of Labour: Jamaica" message below is one of the many scams created by the fraudulent website. Therefore, recipients of messages with links that go to are asked to delete them and should never follow the instructions in them.

The "Department of Labour: Jamaica" Scam

"The workers who worked between the 1990 and 2018, have the rights to get the benefits of 300000 JMD by Department of Labour of Jamaica. Check if your name is in the list of the people who have the rights to withdraw this benefits:"

Department of Labour: Jamaica

The workers who worked between the 1990 and 2018, have the rights to get the benefits of 300000 JMD by Department of Labour of Jamaica.

Check if your name is in the list of the people who have the rights to withdraw this benefits:

1. Are you over 18?



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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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