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Cyber Security Tips To Keep You Safe and Protected

We all love technology. It is convenient, fun and helps us conduct our businesses with ease. However, no one is immune from attacks by cyber criminals. You could be attacked at any time. As technology advances, criminals are advancing new styles of attacking us. But new ideas are emerging to protect us too.


We all need to take precautions when assessing the internet. You should check out online cyber security training to learn how to keep yourself safe from cyber criminals. The following tips will help stay safe and protected from cybercrimes:

1. Have strong Passwords

A strong password should contain at least eight characters. It should be a mix of numbers, special characters, lower and uppercase letters. You should consider changing your passwords regularly. Avoid using the same passwords for different accounts. This is very dangerous. If your password leaks all your accounts are at risk. Ensure that you create a unique and strong password for every account you open. Additionally, you can use a password manager to help you secure and manage your passwords. It helps to generate tough passwords for your accounts, without you having to remember them.

2. Update Your Devices Regularly

You should update your computer and mobile phones on a regular basis. Using the latest security software helps to guard your devices against malware, viruses and other threats. You need to keep updating your anti-malware and antivirus security software. Whenever your antivirus software alerts of you of an attack, you need to take that very seriously.

3. Beware Of The Wi-Fi Connections You Are Using

You need to exercise caution when using the internet from public places such as the airport or your favorite coffee shop. Cyber criminals can track what you are doing on your device. They can copy your passwords or see the sites you visit. This leaves you vulnerable to criminal attacks. You should not buy anything online using unsecured internet connections. Use your own cellular network or your secured home connections when purchasing online. Additionally, you can use the VPN (Virtual Private Network) when using public Wi-Fi.

4. Beware of the Phishers

Phishing scams will fraudulently make you disclose your private information. They mostly use emails and websites. Avoid clicking on links and on websites that you do not know. Ensure that you have installed antivirus software and keep it updated. Phishers can install a ransomware and take control of all your data and access your passwords. Ensure that you have backed up all your data and information.

5. Use Data Encryption

Encryption is one of the best ways you can secure and protect your private information. When you are entering your personal information like credit card information, make sure it is in an encrypted format. Encryption keeps your information safe while on cyberspace. It requires a special key to unlock this information.

6. Secure Home Internet Connection

Make sure that you have a strong password for your home internet. It should be in an encrypted format and should change the password on a regular basis.

7. Limit Your Information On Social Media

Limit the amount of personal information you issue out on your social media accounts. Sharing too much personal information leaves you vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Just give only relevant information and leave the rest.

8. Make Purchases From Secured Sites

Before you buy anything online, make sure that is site secure and that it provides encryption connections. Criminals are ready to get a hold of your credit cards and passwords.

Your internet security is very important. Ensure that you keep it personal, secure and private. Install the necessary software and remember to update them regularly. Beware all approaches by cyber criminals.

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