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The "GDPR Notification from the UK Non Compliance Register" Scam

The "GDPR Notification from the UK Non Compliance Register" email below appears to be a fake. The email was sent to us with a broken link that should go to a so-called "UK Non Compliance Register" website. But, the website doesn't exist. Also, the website that is associated with the email address the message was sent from, was registered 8 days ago in Panama.


The "GDPR Notification from the UK Non Compliance Register" Scam

To the DPO of You are on The GDPR Non Compliance Register

Thu 06/12/2018 09:27

From: "Attention of the DPO: Action Pending Against You" []

Notification from the UK Non Compliance Register.

To the Data Protection Officer of

It has come to our attention that your company is not GDPR compliant.

As your company is not GDPR compliant your company has now been entered onto the Non Compliance Register.

Your company is under review and may be reported to the ICO for non GDPR compliance.

Please go to and enter your company name into the search box.

You will see listed on the page the actions that may now be taken against your company for non GDPR compliance.

This page may also begin to show on the search engines when your company is searched for.

The Non Compliance Register is a FREE public service that is available to any member of the public.

The public can search the register to see if a company can be trusted to store their data securely before they give that company their personal data.

This email has been sent to inform you that you are on the non compliance register.

There is no need to reply to this email.

Disclaimer: This communication is not a business communication and can be legally sent. It is a notification to advise you of action taken against you. There is no personal data involved with this communication. The Non Compliance Register does not hold any personal data and displays only information that is already in the public domain and can be accessed and stored legally by any person who searches the ICO fee payers register for DPO’s and as such does not fall under the GDPR compliance law or the 1998 European Data Protection Act. It is a pubic service that is free of charge.

Now, why is a GDPR email that should come from a website registered in the European Union, coming from, which has no website, is registered in the Caribbean, and not in the EU? The answer, it must be a scam or some scare tactics.

And, I cannot find a "UK Non Compliance Register" anymore on the Internet, it appears it does not exist.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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