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"Bangkok 8.5 Earthquake Video" Virus Hoax

There is a hoax called the "Bangkok 8.5 Earthquake Video" that is spreading rapidly on social media and the rest of the Internet. The hoax or fake-news, which claims online users should delete emails titled "Bangkok 8.5 earthquake video" because it is a ransomware malware or virus that will lock them out of their computers or mobile devices until they have paid a ransom, has not been reported by popular antivirus makers or by computer virus and malware communities that are always on the lookout for new viruses or malware.


The "Bangkok 8.5 Earthquake Video" Virus Hoax


Please note, just received the message! - Bangkok 8.5 earthquake video, do not open, delete immediately. It is blackmail virus, especially on the phone. please forward to each of their own group, do not be fooled! Thank you"

Although the message is a hoax, it is still important that online users take precautionary measures when opening email attachments or files downloaded from the Internet. And, it is important that online users have a trustworthy and effective antivirus or anti-malware software installed on their computers and mobile devices to protect them against online threats.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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