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Is "Virtue Eagle Wing Diplomatic Delivery" a Fraudulent Website?

The website "" is a fake website used by online swindlers to scam and extort money from their so-called 'recipient' of a non-existing package that contains contrabands like thousand dollars worth of cash. The 'sender' will send a log in info to their victim to make them believe that there's an actual package coming their way where they can track it's whereabouts and status.


Once the non-existing package arrives in it's destination country, an agent from the said diplomatic service company will call the 'recipient' to ask for airport clearance for the package. They will process the non-existing package for release and will call you afterwards to inform you that there's a bundle of cash inserted in the package.

The Website "Virtue Eagle Wing Diplomatic Delivery" Website

In order for them to release the parcel, they will ask for another payment as penalty to avoid legal liabilities. Failure to do so will lead to investigation for possible violation of anti-money laundering law. The clueless recipeint then will be forced to pay and realize later on that they waited for nothing.

This kind of scheme is very popular among dating sites, where a very attractive man/woman lures their victim via chat, befriends their victim and propose an online affair once they become close to each other. Common targets are from third world countries like Philippines.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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