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An anti-cybercrime community alerting the public. - It is a Fake Ralph Lauren Clothing Website

The website: "," is a fake Ralph Lauren clothing or apparel e-commerce online store or Outlet, where potential victims run the risk of their credit card and personal information being stolen and used fraudulently, or receive knock-off or imitation clothing. The fake website, which claims they are just cheap Ralph Lauren shirts outlet in the UK, is just one of the methods used by scammers to trick potential victims into visiting the fraudulent website.


The Fake Ralph Lauren Website -

Online users are advised to stay away from the fraudulent Ralph Lauren website. And, for online users who have already used their credit cards on the website, should contact their banks or credit card company, before their credit cards are used fraudulently by the scammers behind the fake Ralph Lauren website.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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