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"MyFax Inbound Fax Received" Scams

MyFax users are asked to be aware of "Inbound Fax Received" email scams like the one below, being sent by cybercriminals. The fake emails contain a link that goes to a phishing website that steals personal information and online account credentials. And, to malicious websites that will infect the computers of visitors who download and install software or app from them.


A Sample of the "Inbound Fax Received" Scam

From: SmartFax Notifications Received ( -

Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2018 10:08 AM

Subject: Inbound Fax Received from (657)-890-9987

A fax has been received.

MCFID = 89765545

Date Received = 08/16/2018

Fax Number = 2056100100

ANI = 0988565678

Number of Pages = 2

CSID = 3452671558

Fax Status Code = Successful

To view message, open the attachment to have Instant full access to all your

fax message received on the go

Thank you for choosing MyFax™!

MyFax Customer Service

The link in the fake email goes to the following phishing and fraudulent website:

Myfax users who have already been tricked by the scam are asked to change their passwords and contact MyFax for help.

MyFax users should always go directly to and sign into their accounts, instead of clicking on a link in an email message. Once they have signed in, they should be able to view their documents from there. This will prevent them from becoming victims of phishing scams sent by cybercriminals.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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