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The Microsoft Virus Scam Fake Popup Messages

If you have received "Microsoft Virus" alerts like the one below, please do not follow the instructions in them. This is because the alerts are fakes that have been created by cybercriminals to trick their potential victims into believing their computers are infected with a virus when they are not. The fake alerts then trick the potential victims into contacting a fake Microsoft Helpline or Windows Support. If contacted, the fake technical support or customer service representative will ask the caller to give them remote access to their computers and/or will ask them for personal and financial information, which they will use fraudulently.


A Microsoft Virus Scam Pop Message


This computer is BLOCKED

Do not close this window and restart your computer

Your computer’s registration key is Blocked.

Why we blocked your computer?

The window’s registration key is illegal.

This window is using pirated software.

This window is sending virus over the internet.

This window is hacked or used from undefined location.

We block this computer for your security.

Contact microsoft helpline to reactivate your computer.

Windows Support Alert

Your System Detected Some Unusual Activity.

It might harm your computer data and track your financial activities.

Please report this activity to

If you have been a victim to one of these Techical Support scams, please have a professional in your area, a tech-savvy friend or family member check your computer for spyware and other malware the scammer may have installed on your computer.

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