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Is Kiklucky a Scam or is it Safe? See Review

Kiklucky located at deceptively attracts people to their website by claiming they can get a new iPhone 11 for $1 or €1. The website asked visitors for their personal information and redirects them to website that offers them a free 7-day trial membership service. The website then asks visitors to verify by credit card and then claims visitors are asked for credit card information to charge and refund their $1 or €1, or charge their card if they do not cancel their free trial member after a week.


Kiklucky located at

The website requesting credit card information from visitors and attempting to deceptively convince them into signing up for a 7-day free membership, which visitors will be charged after the trial:

I think Kiklucky is using a deceptive marketing compaign to convince people into signing up for a membership service and has nothing to do with receiving a new iPhone 11 for $1 or €1.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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