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Is a Fake Imperial Law Group Website?

The fake Imperial Law for Advanced America website located at is back at it again this year. I’m going to start reporting them every year from now on in hopes to help the innocent. I get calls 4-6 times a day and now text messages and letters. They’ve called extended family members with threats to them as well. They’ve told me that an officer is waiting at my house to arrest me for not paying.


I have voicemails of arresting threats. I’ve gotten these threats in the past and the letters along with website are always very suspicious. They lead you to a website called Libert Billing located at to pay your billed based on a "case number". I’ve been asked for two drastically different amounts, one in text for $249 and one in a letter for $1593.29. Hmmm. Trust me, this is not real and is a scam. Help us inform the innocent. Thank you.

Information about

Imperial Law Group - Imperial Law for Adanced America

PO BOX 3854, SEAL BEACH, 90740


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