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"Facebook Account Might Be Deleted" Phishing Scams

Cybercriminaal area sending out thousands of fake "Facebook Account Might Be Deleted" emails in order to trick recipients into visiting a fake Facebook website where they will be asked to sign-in. If visitors to fake website attempt to sign into it, their Facebook username and password or credentials will be sent to the cybercriminals behind the phishings scam.


The cybercrimials will then use the stolen crednetials to gain access to their victims' Facebook accounts, hijack the accounts and use them maliciously.

A "Facebook Account Might Be Deleted" Phishing Scam


MSG:Your Facebook account might be deleted if you fail to confirm your details today: hxxp://

Facebook users who have been tricked are asked to change their Facebook password. And, for those whose accounts have already been hijacked, they may click here to regain access to their accounts.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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