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"EPL*LIDALY CO" Suspicious Credit Card Charges

I placed an order at a fake website,, for a pair of discontinued rock climbing shoes on June 6, 2019. I noticed the only "Contact Us" method was by email I was alert because that did not match the URL of the website, but still, I placed the order with my credit card.


About an hour later, a suspicious email came in from, telling me that my money was transferred to "EPL*LIDALY CO"! That is a red flag. too much discrepency. I called my credit card company right away, and found out that there were actually two charges from "EPL*LIDALY CO" for the same order, both were much higher than my order, and this "EPL*LIDALY CO" was located in Shen Zhen, China. I immidiately cancelled the order. 4 days later, the scammers were trying to fake shipping and refuse to cancel the order.

Enough is enough, it was my turn to take action. I filed a dispute with my credit card company against "EPL*LIDALY CO", reported the scam to FBI's IC3, reported abuse to the domain's registrar in California, reported the fraudulent website and emails to online scam database.

The results were great, I got all my money back, the fake website was shutdown within a week, and I personally alerted many other people who saw the same scammer's name "EPL*LIDALY CO" on their credit card statement or used the same email addresses. I just hope there is a way to lock all these scammers in the jail for good!

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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