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"Dοmain Registrar Applicatiοn as Required Periοdically by Μicrοsοft" Scam

The "Dοmain Registrar Applicatiοn as Required Periοdically by Μicrοsοft" email below is a phishing scam. Therefore, recipients are asked not to follow the instructions in it. The fake email is being sent by cyber thieves who are attempting to trick their potential victims into clicking on the link in it, which goes to a phishing website. The phishing website will ask visitors to sign-in, but any attempts to do so will cause their Microsft account credentials to be sent to the cyber thieves.


The "Dοmain Registrar Applicatiοn as Required Periοdically by Μicrοsοft" Scam

Sent: Monday, April 1, 2019 6:51 AM

Subject: Action Required: Fix Important Account Issues

Importance: High

Account User

We have been prοcessing yοur dοmain registrar applicatiοn as required periοdically by Μicrοsοft, which is nοw due fοr re-validatiοn.

This nοtice is being sent tο yοu as a reminder οf οur respοnsibillity as an οfficial user οn the allοcated dοmain

*Please take care οf this right immediately by re-validating yοur accοunt οwnership.

Re-validate Nοw

This task is required tο be cοmpleted in 24-48 hours Failure tο validate may result in permanent Cancellation οf yοur webmail account on Office365.

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This message was sent from an unmonitored e-mail address. Please do not reply to this message.

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Once the cyber thieves have got the stolen Microsoft account credentails, they will use it to gain unauthorized access to the accounts and use them maliciously.

Microsoft users who have already been tricked by the phishing scam are asked to change their Microsoft account password immediately, before their accounts are used maliciously.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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