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Top 5 Digital Transformation Trends in Education for 2020

Humans are always on the hunt for knowledge, which they apply to create effective ways of carrying out tasks. Technology gets better with time and is applied in every aspect of our lives. The educational sector isn't left out in the application of technological advancements, as over the years, schools continue to implement new and innovative solutions to improve learning both in and out of the classroom. The year 2020 is set to be no different, and prepare to witness the following 5 trends in education through the year.


The Redefinition of a Classroom

In the past, the traditional definition of a classroom setting involves the use of physical books. Now a modern classroom features more digital devices such as laptops being the main tool of learning. Smartboards and Smartdesks have all but replaced the use of the traditional boards and desks.

Digital transformation in education changed the definition and setting of a classroom, alongside the features of a learning space. Last year Google reported that the number of Chromebook users around the world was over 30 million.

In a bid to improve education, tertiary institutions aren't limiting learning to the classroom. The definition of a learning space continues to expand with the help of technology. Now one doesn't necessarily have to be physically present with a tutor during their lessons. Digital innovations such as video conferencing help students get in on learning sessions even in remote regions.

The use of IoT

Prepare to see more applications of the Internet of Things (IoT) in schools in 2020. The close connection IoT offers can help schools in the following ways.

Effective Personalized Learning

Students learn at different paces, with some being more receptive to a form of learning than others. Not all students do well with auditory, some would prefer kinesthetic learning, visual aids, or other forms of learning. Achieving personalized learning was difficult in the past, especially with those in public educational institutions, which is why technology focused on customized learning is fast becoming the norm.

Tutors can make use of apps and software to help students understand lessons better, as the technology provides educational content based on the student's preferences. Through the use of AI (Artificial Intelligence, VR (Virtual Reality), and complex algorithms, this software can detect, analyze, and develop contents most appropriate for an individual. The software would provide learning content such as videos, interactive games, modeling, and more.

Parents should expect to see educational institutions make use of software that offers customized learning more often. These programs would serve as a secondary tutor helping out with different aspects of a lesson.

Parental Control

The internet serves as a vital tool for learning. For instance, when tasked with essays, the internet is invaluable, as it provides an avenue for students to get help with them. Often scholars rely on essay maker and other writing services to assist with their essays. Though one fact remains, not all the internet has to offer is appropriate. And there's also the issue with security to worry about.

We will see more software garnered at governing what scholars are exposed to online while learning. The application of blockchain and other authentication methods will prominently feature in online education.

Rise of Interactive Games

The current technology trends in education all point to the fact that interactive gaming will be a crucial tool of learning in 2020. Smartphones have also contributed to this growing trend as they offer a high level of convenience and flexibility in running such applications.

It was inconceivable to think someone could learn a new language from a game, but now it's a norm. For centuries humans have tried to incorporate fun and learning with successful results. Now with the advancement in AI and machine language, no method embodies fun and education than interactive games.

Final Thoughts

Learning has seen unprecedented success due to the digital transformation trends educational institutions schools now employ. Improvements in technology are set to influence changes in these trends. Customized learning alongside the incorporation of AI is some of the trends to expect in the educational sector in 2020. Overall, learning will become more effective and offer a high level of accessibility and convenience.

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